Minggu, 22 November 2009

On ketapang, we come!

pokoknya nampang and smileeeeeeee !

Senin, 09 November 2009

Tips and tips belajar

Math from Mr. Rohmadi
Baca Konsepnya
Lihat soal
Latihan, latihan dan latihan mengerjakan soal

Biologi from Ms Jasmine
Baca bahannya dari buku catatan
Diringkas dengan bahasa sendiri
Membuat diagram untuk menjelaskan proses atau tahapan atau mind maping
contoh :
Proses pencernakan :
Mulut – Tenggorokan – Lambung – usus halus – usus besar – anus
Contoh lain :

Organ :
Nose : root hair for filtration, warmness, hydro-controlling.
Bronchioles :
Alveolus : air exchange place
Disease :
Asthma, Flu

Kind of air Volume:
· Lungs volume;
· Total volume
· Tidal volume
· Residue volume

External: between body & environment
Internal: between blood vessel

· Chest respiration
· Stomach respiration

Tar, Nicotine, Carbon monoxide (Co)

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Soc - Geo

Soc – Geo :
1. Farming
a. UK and New Zealand ( type of farming )
b.Organics Farm
a. Blackpool
b. Italy
3. Map
a. Thematic map
b. Map Scale
4. Resources
a. Natural resources
b. Re new able
c. Non renewable

Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia
1. pesan berita
2. membaca cepat
3. proposal dan laporan
Surat resmi dan permohonan ijin
4. Membaca petunjuk “ pelajari kembali semua materi semester 1, buku esis “
mencari informasi dan buku telepon
5. unsure instristik.


Temperature, heat, thermal Energy etc
Thermal expansion and states matter etc
Wave etc
Sound etc

Read Mid term, hand out, notes, worksheet
25 is multiply choice and 5 match and 8 Essay


1. Food and Nutrition
2. Human Digestive system
3. Vertebrate digestive system
4. Respiratory system

Read midterms, worksheet nutrition, flying cow and bird and read all your notes !
1. Konstitusi di Indonesia
2. Penyimpangan penyimpangan konstitusi di Indonesia
3. Amademen UUD 1945
4. Tata urutan Perundang undangan nasional
5. Proses pembuatan Perundang undangan nasional
6. Korupsi

Baca Catatan atau diktat!
40 soal multiple choise dan 5 soal essay


Kisi – kisi 1st final exam 23 November – 1 Desember 2009
1. Math
A. Direction Number
B. Algebraic Expression
C. Linear Equation with one unknown
D. Linear inequalities with one unknown
E. Linear equation with two linear

Please learn “ test have been given “
25 is multiply choice and 5 Essay.


Semester 1 final exam will strating on 23 November until 1 December 2009. please :
1. Take care of health
2. Check your folders for all materials from all subjects
3. Ask for exam outlines from each teachers
4. review lessons at home as early preparation of the tests.
Best Regrads
Fajar W